
The Three Keys

In arctolatry as we follow it, there are three keys that Mother Bear has emphasized as the most important to understand and attempt to live by. They are summarized below, distilled to their essences.


Stewardship is defined, in part, as “taking care of something.” And in the bear cult, we follow this belief. We recognize that the Earth and all of her children, from the single-celled ameoba all the way to the myriad complex peoples of the world, are precious. Because of that, we recognize that it is our duty to care for the Earth and her children – reducing our negative impacts while increasing our positive ones and encouraging others to do the same. We strive to leave the world in a better place than it was before we intervened; to be good stewards of the Earth and all of her children, including ourselves.


A strong community is foundational to not just the survival of the Earth and her children, but it is also vital for all to grow and thrive. A strong, healthy community lifts up the weak and downtrodden so that all in the community can grow and thrive together. We strive to build connections and support existing communities by offering help when it is needed, joining in celebration when the community achieves its goals, helping to guide and steer communities that are losing their way back to peaceful and thriving, and anything else we can to bring people together to support themselves and each other as a larger community that can become a force for good in the world.


A world without love is a world that is barren and empty. Love is more than a singular passion, but instead is the culmination of care, attentiveness, and joy with each other that transcends words and drives us to be better – and that includes love for ourselves. We strive to extend love to all, to live in the moment with all the children of Earth, and to be the pillar that will love without reservation. We strive to be the rock that is there when all else may fail.